Slot Zero wrote:
Slot Zero thought it would be interesting to highlight one of Quake's Finest Players, Frenzy. While most of us are on cable or DSL, Frenzy is truly a Tier 1 player. He is legend, not only in the minds of newbies, but deep within his own mind. Attached is a chat log, as huge as the ego of the player himself, of all of his finest and not so finest moments on the Shmack servers. Think of all that you can learn!!
Enjoy and behold!

I enjoy going through this. I love how upset you are that you post the entire log of Shmack. Rather than go into personal attacks, why don't you just simply deal with the fact that nobody has attacked you, but said they were shocked that you didn't see how obvious botting was in a demo. Look at you go

Childish indeed. (I'll expect some cutdown response with namecalling and possibly cussing from you, with all of your class

Lets talk about your class: Personally attacking someone who actually sends you in demos of people that cheat on your server, and you go into "CALM THE FUCK DOWN" mode because I tell you your hand is lax on your server, which it is. And that I was shocked you didn't see the obvious bot in a demo (sorry maybe your eye isn't as trained as mine to this). No reason to do all this. I'm glad you are though, shows your true colors
Nobody tried to strong arm you into anything, and you said they did, again not classy. Childish. And since you want to go into comparisons (saying I'm crying - but also saying thanks for sending in the demo's keep them coming!), your actions are compared as far as moderation goes to that of an Assistant Manager at Pizza Hut.
I administrate more servers than you do, and on each of them, there has never been an issue with them. Especially the ones I own. For you to compare my admin capabilities to "not mature enough"(see other bot thread), is misinformed as well, and just another personal attack. Ask around, nobody has ever been kicked on the servers I own, and the other servers I admin(most of active Quake), same thing. I outwit you based on the fact that you're responding and acting in anger.
I've done tons for the community of Quake, and you've done tons for Quake as well. But for you to sit and attack because I responded to some things in a mature manner is far stretched.
I thank you for RuneQuake, but won't let you sit and attack me, and I'll never bow to you or treat you different than you treat me. You started with the personal attack, and I have yet to attack back. Post all of the logs you want of all the things I've ever said in the virtual word of Quake. The fans may enjoy. haha.
My ego isn't large, I just know my capabilities. Even with a steady 150 ping. BULA
And I am one of the best players to have ever played Quake. I should be after 15 years. Facts, not bragging statements. I also agree and DO help anybody that wants tips etc. I don't run around kicking ass screaming I own you.
You should grow up.