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 Post subject: Autoexec
PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2004 1:59 am 
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Joined: Mon Jan 19, 2004 4:40 pm
Posts: 16
I have to type +mlook in console prior logging on to the server. Can someone tell me how to establish the autoexec, I am aware that autoexec does this task automatically than manually, so I don't have to be concern about this chore anymore..

* z

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 Post subject: Easy....
PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 1:26 am 
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Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 12:57 am
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Just add +mlook to your autoexec.cfg. Open it in notepad, add +mlook and save. That should do it. :)

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 4:23 am 
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Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:41 pm
Posts: 116
Create a file called autoexec.cfg and place it in your id1 directory. Then edit it and add +mlook in it. Make sure it saves as autoexec.cfg and not autoexec.cfg.txt If it does, just remove the added extension of .txt

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 7:40 pm 

Joined: Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:17 am
Posts: 196
u are slugnut right?
your kidding me right u didnt know this....
this is one of the first things i learned when i started using +mlook (to put it in config).

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 8:17 pm 
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you can also put an insane amount of crap in your autoexec :D

// #################################
// ##   Environment preferences   ##
// #################################

+mlook                  // Mouse look at all times
cl_backspeed "200"        // Movement Speeds
cl_forwardspeed "200" 
cl_sidespeed "200"
cl_upspeed "200"

crosshair "0"           // Turn the crosshair on
scr_conspeed "327600"     // Console scroll speed

cl_bob "0.00"             // Client side movement effects
cl_rollangle "0.0"
v_kickpitch "0.0"
v_kicktime "0.0"
v_kickroll "0.0"

gl_triplebuffer "1"
gl_flashblend "0"
pq_fullpitch "0"
pq_drawfps "1"

name "ÃDNªÓniper‹s "
color 4 0;
r_drawviewmodel "0";
r_novis "1";
r_wateralpha "0.4";
fov 128;

in_pitch_min -69.60937118530272726999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
in_pitch_max 79.45312118530272726999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

bind t "messagemode"
bind y "messagemode2"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind MOUSE2 "+hook"
bind MOUSE3 "rune-use"
bind q "rune-delete"
bind e "rune-tell"
bind SHIFT "bestweapon 78653421"
bind "c" "say_team %l"
bind "x" "say_team Negative"
bind "z" "say_team Affirmative"

bind "f" "tpv";
alias fpv "chase_active 0; bind f tpv";
alias tpv "chase_active 1; bind f fpv";

bind "g" "color 4 0; r_drawviewmodel 0; crosshair 0; bind t messagemode; r_wateralpha .4; bind ` toggleconsole; echo *Back to Normal*";

alias quiet "volume 0.1; volume";
alias mute "volume 0; volume";
alias sound "volume 0.7; volume";
alias soundtest "play player/inlava"

alias green "color 0 3";
bind "u" "color 2 13";
bind "j" "color 4 4";
bind "m" "color 5 12";

// #################################
// ##        Insult binds         ##
// #################################

bind p "currentInsult"
alias currentInsult "insult00"

alias insult00 "say 'Hehe' (MR GREEN).; alias currentInsult insult01"
alias insult01 "say Bry4nt! You are teh sexi mafaka!; alias currentInsult insult02"
alias insult02 "say I'll jump on your head Mario style; alias currentInsult insult03"
alias insult03 "say This is C*S sending a shoutout to Fuzznut; alias currentInsult insult04"
alias insult04 "say Dibs on the LPB!; alias currentInsult insult05"
alias insult05 "say Why do I keep hitting the wall? :(; alias currentInsult insult06"
alias insult06 "say I swear it was the banana peel!; alias currentInsult insult07"
alias insult07 "say How about you use axe and I use LG :); alias currentInsult insult08"
alias insult08 "say x4 shotgun fury!!!; alias currentInsult insult09"
alias insult09 "say <enter racist comment here>; alias currentInsult insult00"

// #################################
// ##        Payback binds        ##
// #################################

bind o "currentPayback"
alias currentPayback "payback00"

alias payback00 "say :O; alias currentPayback payback01"
alias payback01 "say Nice; alias currentPayback payback02"
alias payback02 "say My HAX aren't working!; alias currentPayback payback03"
alias payback03 "say 'You're ruining America' (Bank); alias currentPayback payback04"
alias payback04 "say OMG Gunter is alive!!; alias currentPayback payback05"
alias payback05 "say Quad just pwn'd me :O; alias currentPayback payback06"
alias payback06 "say Get these groupies away from me!; alias currentPayback payback07"
alias payback07 "say Shoot him!; alias currentPayback payback08"
alias payback08 "say I have 666 health at Hell; alias currentPayback payback09"
alias payback09 "say Damnit! Stop recording in a plane!; alias currentPayback payback00"

// #################################
// ##     Extra config files      ##
// #################################

exec server.cfg;
exec zoom.cfg;
exec DualWeaponsSniper.cfg;


If you see me online, say Hi :)

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:12 am 

Joined: Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:17 am
Posts: 196
just took a look at that config. is it yours?

2 things.

u know maximum server speed is more then 320 (which is default) - on most servers, yet u have it set even lower then that. why? your crawling around like a turtle with that! :P max all the CL_'s out to like 555 or something. your also forgetting SV_MAXSPEED, which you should also max out.


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:34 am 
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I use +speed which doubles my speed to 400. I also assume that my acceleration is instant whereas "always run ON" makes you accelerate a little slower.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:34 am 

Joined: Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:17 am
Posts: 196
also wanted to add that you don't need the autoexec

i put everything in my config (including +mlook) and it works fine like that. more organized and less files to deal with lol. plus the stuff thats in your autoexec runs automatically as well as whats in your config, so why not merge both of them into one - in the config file.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:36 am 
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Some servers mess up configurations. My Autoexec makes sure that everything I like is back to normal when I exec it.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:51 am 

Joined: Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:17 am
Posts: 196
Canadian*Sniper wrote:
I use +speed which doubles my speed to 400. I also assume that my acceleration is instant whereas "always run ON" makes you accelerate a little slower.

so you hit an extra button for +speed?
could use that button for something more important. better have your speed fast (and constant - maxed out) and switch rapidly to a weapon to fire, then to fumble between walking and running in a firefight.

acceleration is not going to be instant because you are going to walk first, then run (by pressing your +speed key), it's much faster to just start running all together.

if i were you i would get rid of this altogether, but you do what you want, just a suggestion.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:53 am 

Joined: Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:17 am
Posts: 196
Canadian*Sniper wrote:
Some servers mess up configurations. My Autoexec makes sure that everything I like is back to normal when I exec it.

but you would have to re-execute it:
exec autoexec.cfg

same would be with your config file, if servers do indeed change it (temporarily - as you said) then you need to re-exec it also.

also i assume your config.cfg is write protected.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:59 am 
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I just realised that +speed isn't in my autoexec file :P Where oh where could it be then? :P To correct you, I don't press an extra button, I just run the +speed command the same way we use +mlook.

my config.cfg file is whatever my last settings are. And no I don't have to run exec autoexec, I can just play on the server with the defects (I press G to remove them) then quit. Go back on quake and autoexec fixes everything :P

To clear any missing commands, here's the rest of my autoexec crap (not including config.cfg):

alias w1 "bind MOUSE2 +weapon1; echo DualWeapon-AXE"
alias w2 "bind MOUSE2 +weapon2; echo DualWeapon-SG"
alias w3 "bind MOUSE2 +weapon3; echo DualWeapon-SSG"
alias w4 "bind MOUSE2 +weapon4; echo DualWeapon-NG"
alias w5 "bind MOUSE2 +weapon5; echo DualWeapon-SNG"
alias w6 "bind MOUSE2 +weapon6; echo DualWeapon-GL"
alias w7 "bind MOUSE2 +weapon7; echo DualWeapon-RL"
alias w8 "bind MOUSE2 +weapon8; echo DualWeapon-LG"

alias +weapon1 "impulse 1;+attack"
alias -weapon1 "-attack;gsnip"

alias +weapon2 "impulse 2;+attack"
alias -weapon2 "-attack;gsnip"

alias +weapon3 "impulse 3;+attack"
alias -weapon3 "-attack;gsnip"

alias +weapon4 "impulse 4;+attack"
alias -weapon4 "-attack;gsnip"

alias +weapon5 "impulse 5;+attack"
alias -weapon5 "-attack;gsnip"

alias +weapon6 "impulse 6;+attack"
alias -weapon6 "-attack;gsnip"

alias +weapon7 "impulse 7;+attack"
alias -weapon7 "-attack;gsnip"

alias +weapon8 "impulse 8;+attack"
alias -weapon8 "-attack;gsnip"

bind 1 snip1
bind 2 snip2
bind 3 snip3
bind 4 snip4
bind 5 snip5
bind 6 snip6
bind 7 snip7
bind 8 snip8
alias gsnip "impulse 2"
alias snip1 "impulse 1; alias gsnip "impulse 1""
alias snip2 "impulse 2; alias gsnip "impulse 2""
alias snip3 "impulse 3; alias gsnip "impulse 3""
alias snip4 "impulse 4; alias gsnip "impulse 4""
alias snip5 "impulse 5; alias gsnip "impulse 5""
alias snip6 "impulse 6; alias gsnip "impulse 6""
alias snip7 "impulse 7; alias gsnip "impulse 7""
alias snip8 "impulse 8; alias gsnip "impulse 8""

alias +shotty "impulse 2;+attack"
alias -shotty "-attack;gsnip"

alias +axey "impulse 1;+attack"
alias -axey "-attack;gsnip"

alias +nadey "impulse 6;+attack"
alias -nadey "-attack;gsnip"

alias deactivate "bind MOUSE2 +hook; bind MOUSE3 rune-use; pq_moveup 0; bind q rune-delete; bind e rune-tell; echo DualWeapons Deactivated; play items/protect2"

alias activate "w8; bind MOUSE3 +shotty; pq_moveup 1; bind e +nadey; bind q +axey; echo DualWeapons Activated; play items/damage"

server.cfg (I should add IHOC) I was going to make an executable that would create a server.cfg file like this instantly (through file input) but no one was interested.
alias bigfoot "connect"
alias bots "connect"
alias ca "connect"
alias ca2 "connect"
alias coop "connect"
alias crmod "connect"
alias ctf "connect"
alias fear "connect"
alias intertex "connect"
alias ra "connect"
alias shmack "connect"
alias trinicom "connect"
alias zop "connect"

alias list "echo;echo bigfoot --;echo bots -----;echo ca -------;echo ca2 ------;echo coop -----;echo crmod ----;echo ctf ------;echo fear -----;echo intertex -;echo ra -------;echo shmack ---;echo trinicom -;echo zop ------;echo"

alias zoom_out_full "sensitivity 60; bind c zoom_in_half; fov 50:wait;fov 70;wait;fov 128"
alias zoom_in_half "sensitivity 30; bind c zoom_out_full; fov 70;wait;fov 50;wait;fov 30"

bind "c" "zoom_in_half"

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:33 am 

Joined: Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:17 am
Posts: 196
ok my dear sir...

lol. i believe +speed would go in your config. why have it in autoexec, while your cl speeds are 200? it's sort of like a double negation, just increase the cl speeds!!!

i think even if you have cl speeds set at 0, and you have +speed there, you are going to be moving at "running" speed anyway, because +speed gets you there (somebody test this?!). but this is really kinda

if you do not hit a +speed button (like I thought you would) then you do not need the +speed command at all, just max out the cl speeds like i said, the result is the same, probably even more beneficial, because there could be a server that uses a speed more then your +speed speed. but really man, this just adds to the confusion, just max out everything, its much simpler (and less of a headache)

also you do not need to quit quake and come back again, you can re-exec your cfg files (both Autoexec.cfg and Config.cfg), or just one (config.cfg) - like i suggested (if you put everything from autoexec into config and therefore have it merged into one file), to restore your environment settings like you have them in your config.

your giving me a headache with this. :P

Last edited by Paradise on Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:34 am, edited 2 times in total.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:41 am 
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you're completely wrong :D. I just forgot to put +speed in that code post because I had 400 in there before and thought "WTFOMGBBQ it's 400!".

+speed DOUBLES your speed. No one needs to test this. :roll:

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 4:26 am 
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Paradise wrote:
your giving me a headache with this, ima strangle you :P

You'll have to excuse my Canadian friend. The cold and bitter weather up there has made him extremely contrary. :P

Here is Toyo_MR2, lying broken at my feet.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:34 am 

Joined: Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:17 am
Posts: 196
CS wrote:
"you're completely wrong . I just forgot to put +speed in that code post because I had 400 in there before and thought "WTFOMGBBQ it's 400!".

+speed DOUBLES your speed. No one needs to test this."

how am i wrong that you forgot to paste it in? huh *scratch head.

i know +speed doubles your WALK speed (which is 200). what i was saying is if you have all your cl settings at 0 and you put +speed in as a setting, what would happen? would you be at speed 400 OR maximum allowed speed on the server... actually now that i think about it, you would be at 400, so if the server speed is higher you would actually be SLOWER. yes, that's it, seems logical. i got it! yay. smart me. 8)

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:53 am 

Joined: Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:17 am
Posts: 196
as for your other configs, i dont see how they relate to the present discussion... so i cant comment on them (unless you wanted me to).

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:49 pm 
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Sorry guess I read your post wrong? I doubted that cl_forwardspeed 0 + +speed would even make you move. I tested it out just now and guess what, it doesn't make you move :P

server.cfg is used for quick connections
DWS.cfg is used for quick switching between weapons.

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