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is the change to maxspeed without a message just as bad as pk's modifications?
it's just as bad! 13%  13%  [ 1 ]
it's not quite as bad. 13%  13%  [ 1 ]
it's not an advantage. 75%  75%  [ 6 ]
it's a disadvantage to move faster! 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Total votes : 8
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 Post subject: is it a bird?is it a plane?it's a player with diff maxspeed!
PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2003 11:12 pm 

Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2003 6:14 pm
Posts: 30

i was looking at the above topic and was thinking about the rqa servers. who here noticed that they all changed sv_maxspeed? i know i've mentioned it to many people who just didn't know. after all we just trust the admins to play fair. so i expect at the very least some of u had no clue.

just so u all know what i'm talking about heres the layman's version. sv_maxspeed # is a command for both server and client. on the server it sets the maximum possible speed. on the client it's how fast u plan to move(use cl_forwardspeed backspeed and the strafe one to change yours.(this will not exceed the servers but can be delibertly set to less)). the default is 320. and just about every other quake server ,but rqa ,now and in the past has been 320.

now, who thinks it's wrong for them to delibertly change the maxspeed without mentiong it at the main forum (Runcentral)?

this change gives them an advantage over anyone who don't check the server settings before joining ,and i mean c'mon who actually checks all the server settings, and playing? most of the regulars wouldn't know and when some new ppl find quake they definatly wouldn't know. they'd just wonder how they get slightly outpaced.

this isn't just some sorta accident either. this is all the rqa servers and each has a different sv_maxspeed. wido is 350. singed is 360 and msm is 380! may not seem like a huge hike but i assume this is so ppl wouldn't notice so fast. and when it comes to speed every bit counts. with this much they could easly lose somebody of the same skill simply by running away. i've been gone from quake awhile but the setting was like this when i came back a couple weeks ago. this could have been going on even longer.

now i'm not naming names (we've all seen how that goes) but when i comfronted one of the admins about it the condensed awnser i got was be quiet and if u don't like it play somewhere else.apparently they don't want the message spread? somehow this dosn't seem like a community anymore as much as it does a maximum security insane asylum.

just to adress the obvious question that will pop up: they mighta posted it at rqa forums but like many ppl i didn't regester and guests can't view. so damned if i know.even if they did it's still not the main forums :P. i mean c'mon? banning ppl and deleteing posts. saying they won't do it anymore then deleting more? who really wants to regester with that? so they probably won't be the main until everyone gives up on quake. also without letting guests view it also limits the usefulness as a forum for "the people". many people don't bother to regester with a forum and just check through the posts until something tickles their fancy.

anyhow i'm making a poll on this. please feel free to use it if u don't want to post you opinions and possibly get some of the wrath the rqadmins seem to be known for.

i'd rather this didn't become yet another big flame. however an explination why this was done and why the word wasn't spread would be nice. also if they "absoultely must" keep the sv_maxspeed at something different then all the other quake servers perhaps they should add it to the splash screen?

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2003 12:00 am 

Joined: Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:47 pm
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Everyone knows you should have the max speeds set to 999 in your config!! So the server speed thing shouldn't matter! Failure to have a good quake config is the fault of the player, not the fault of the server operator!

cl_backspeed 999
cl_forwardspeed 999

Different servers have different max speeds ... the server max speed is indicated in the command line, shown on GameSpy and at Gameaholic and on the RQAdvanced server information pages like this one: ... play&sid=2

sv_maxspeed 350
sv_friction 4
sv_gravity 800
noexit 37
teamplay 256 Rune Quake 0.5.3 Plus 0.4.1
timelimit 30
fraglimit 50
cmdline -game rqa -dedicated 14 -noipx -qsmack -condebug -heapsize 32000 -iplog -ip -HFILE 55 -HPARENT 56 -HCHILD 57

So it isn't a secret.

I understand you were chastised for being the only one during a game with the max speed set. That is a strange reason to be chastised.

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 Post subject: ?
PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2003 12:18 am 

Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2003 6:14 pm
Posts: 30
snort everyone should but they don't and u missed cl_sidespeed :). and whle indicated how many noticed? i seriously seen quite a few that didn't notice and had no clue. and it's been at leatsa couple weeks. it's mentioned but nobody actually looks :).

and chastised? snort i haven't actually played a round at rqa since i been back :). i mostly came to visit friends. but noticing this i felt a need to speak out. i always had an overactive concious :(. just as i always spell poorly when typing fast :). that was an argument about my beleif that it was wrong to do so witho saying anyhting. they didn't even mention it in the news at rqa.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2003 4:28 am 

Joined: Fri Mar 21, 2003 12:49 pm
Posts: 39
>snort i haven't actually played a round at rqa since i been back

No, you just been running back and forth between the servers stirring up trouble.

Please contact me via ICQ.


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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2003 10:23 am 
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And on that note.. Welcome back War. Great to see you the other day.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2003 10:36 am 
QUIT: March 06, 2006

Joined: Sat Mar 08, 2003 11:55 am
Posts: 231
I use QVIEW and noticed many servers that have various speed settings from 600 to 320.

Total Quake - 380
SINGED - 360
Deadzone - 360
WIDO - 350
Shmackland - 330
Rune Quake - 320
IHOC - 320

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2003 2:11 pm 
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2003 2:36 pm 
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Ok, according to your pal Chuck using the command +speed will make you go the default server speed.

Did you know that the shift key is bound to +speed by default? I wonder if ID Software put that in the manual?

Did you consider this before you go off and say we're cheating? And I've also heard you've been saying the admins cheat at the server? Well tell them to try their shift key if they want to run faster or like Chuck said put +speed in their config files so they run all the time.

I'm surprised you don't say "Hey, did you read the manual about pressing space to jump?" or maybe "They added a hook to the mod and not everyone knows how to use it therefore it's a cheat!"

I mean come on, +speed is right at their finger tips when they install Quake, just like shooting and jumping.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 12:35 pm 
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Hey I'm curious. Does +speed override the maxspeed set in a players config if the server is set at a higher rate? Doesn't having alwaysrun turned on do the the same thing as +speed?


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 2:21 pm 
QUIT: March 06, 2006

Joined: Sat Mar 08, 2003 11:55 am
Posts: 231
I'm not sure about that but I don't like +speed. It must change more settings then just cl_forwardspeed, cl_backspeed and cl_sidespeed. I've set these three settings to 400, but if I join a server and type +speed it makes other adjustments that make my turning and looking up and down act crazy. Of course this might be because I'm a KBer.

IEEE posted this link on the RQ+ board. The answer may be in here somewhere.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 11:00 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 18, 2003 7:44 pm
Posts: 198
I just did a quick test and it seems +speed is not equivalent to matching the clientside's cl_forward speed to the serverside's sv_maxspeed.


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 Post subject: snort!!!
PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 12:51 am 

Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2003 6:14 pm
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Ben , contact u via icq? won't u just say u to busy to run the server or check the facts like last time? besides if u wish to discuss my "behavior" ,aka letting ppl know u suddenly changed the maxspeed without saying anything here, why can't we do it right here in this forum? i mean heck one of the rqa admins threatened to ban me if i didn't stop telling ppl. pretty screwed up eh? dosn't really make me wish to discuss things in private with you.
if it makes u guys look bad when i tell the truth is there possibly a problem? and if it didn't make u look bad why'd he get so agressive?

Diazoild all those servers over 320 are rqa except dm old school and shmackland(this was my point!). and i betting sumptin wrong with the dm one :). i doubt a "real dm" server has a setting of 600 :P. the shmackland i've never even seen b4 and don't know who runs it so can't comment on why they added an extra 10speed :P. anyhow just because sombody else did it dosn't make it right :P.

Ieee. not only does it not match it changes turning speed as well. try being kb only and turning while holding +speed.
anyhow +speed is there but not everyone knows all the commands. we still get some newbs. do u really need such an advantage over them? how bad can all of ya be? besides one of the issues here was suddenly changing from 320 to higher without a word! dz says u posted on rqa but not as many ppl check there and many can't or won't :P. not even posting it as news? shouldn't this have been news? i did check the archived news but nuttin there:P. nuttin... at least not before i told on u that is :). score one for the man who does what he thinks is right.

as a community of players we trust u "the admins" to be honest. we've seen quite a few times when the admins wern't and quite a fuss was raised. what would u do if we had gotten all the ppl to play in the tourney on slots server. lets say he changed the maxspeed to 380 without mentiong it? would u feel screwed if u hadn't expected him to screw ya and played with 320 and lost? he'd have had an "unfair" advantage right?... thought so. so why would it matter if it's not a tourney but fun ffa?it's still an advantge that shouldn't be there. what is so wrong about letting ppl know that it is now different!?!? anyway notice how you all completely missed the bottom of the post. explination then change or advertise.
people do not check a servers settigns before joining everytime. unless u make obvious changes we assume it's always the same. i only knew because i used to play so much and noticed a diff when i came back. heck i would even have written it off as just me from the time i missed if not for a friend mentioning the maxspeed change.after all they have always been 320 before.
i asume the 3 votes for not a cheat were iee ben and dz :P. mostly to make it appear "ok" i assume. after all who thinks moving faster then another is not an advantage? i mean thats what bunnyhopping is all about! :P. at a glance one would assume this was just a way to gain that advantage without the skillz. why would anyone learn how to bunnyhop otherwise? !.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 1:21 am 
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I hate to say it but on the servers you are mentioning they all use full time hook. With hook enabled there is no reason to even touch the ground because moving with hook is much faster. So maxspeed makes no difference there. Full time hook makes it completely unnecessary to walk at all which takes much away fom the game especially since all the levels being played were designed for walking (stairs lifts etc.). Maybe someone should run hook on some mountain climbing levels where the whole level is vertical:)



Slot for president!

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 1:24 am 
QUIT: March 06, 2006

Joined: Sat Mar 08, 2003 11:55 am
Posts: 231
Diazoild all those servers over 320 are rqa except dm old school and shmackland

You're wrong here. Deadzone isn't an RQ+ server and I bet you could find plenty more servers with speed settings other than the defaults. They were just a few examples. I didn't go through the entire Quake tab for data to provide a statistical analysis.

This argument you've taken on could be made for more issues than you can shake a stick at. There are many Quake servers with various tweeks. Are the operators cheating new people that come and don't understand how to use runes? I don't recall seeing anyone sitting OBS explaining all the runes to me when I first started playing.

There's another server that has a large power up box on various levels that gives you weapons, ammo, and other items. Is that operator cheating me because when I joined the game no one stopped to explain the feature to me.

I didn't threaten to ban you on the servers, but I sure did see you creating a nusinace of yourself. Going from Wido to SINGED telling people that the admins here are cheating you. You've mentioned that you don't actually play but come to socialize. There isn't anything wrong with connecting to servers to catch up with your buddies , but going on and on like you do about the speed settings is disruptive to the game.

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 Post subject: :)
PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 1:50 am 

Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2003 6:14 pm
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dz,ur right deadzone isn't. should u really be copying his dirty tricks? i'm saying it's wrong and your response is but pk does it why can't we?wtf???
this dosn't make a good argument. u said pk cheats with that posted code. after seeing it did u takre it change the name and cop paste into your server code? after all "pk did it". so why not u?
and yet u wonder why that other post made me think of this issue?
anyhow no u didn't threaten to ban me. some admin using the name "jeremiah" did however :P.
yep mostly to socialize. i'm sorry if i see sumptin thats definatly wrong and mention it. if i'm having dinner and see a murder i'd also report it to the police. does that make me a bad guy? how dare i let something bad be known just because i was talking to a friend! right?
disruptive to who? your right all those players with lower speed settings have to stop and change it to keep even. ohhh how terribly disruptive it is to help another human being :P.
also that place that has the item. it's been like that long time right? they didn't suddenyl change and not inform the player base? it's an item that anyone can find right? not just ppl that memorize all the console commands?
and ur right i have seen others. one guy had it set at a couple thousand. and had trip wires and homing rockets. but his was always like that. not one numebr one day then a diff another. hell u didn't even post it in your own forum when u changed.

mag, actually fastest i ever seen anyone go was a player who would hook and use the speed to bunnyhop around and hook some more if he slowed down. so hook isn't the only important thing :P.

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 Post subject: btw
PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 1:52 am 

Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2003 6:14 pm
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just to make sure u see it this time.

why did u change speed? why did u tell no one? and what is wrong with letting others know?

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 2:01 am 
QUIT: March 06, 2006

Joined: Sat Mar 08, 2003 11:55 am
Posts: 231
Now that you mention it, I do recall you coming on Deadzone maybe a year ago and stated that the speed was set wrong. Now it seems to have escalated to a cheat.

For someone that's so interested in helping people. Why do you clam up when people ask you how you manage to move so quickly with your high ping? Using your reasoning one could argue that you cheat or take advantage of other dial ups for not helping them optimize their settings. Snort. =)

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 Post subject: snort
PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 2:21 am 

Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2003 6:14 pm
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dz, i don't clam up. i tell them. i've let urdead even see my router info as well as my cfg and eveythign else he asked for. the way i move so much faster is i know how to play. i bunnyhop, i hook, i rj. i do these things rather then change server settings. i learn how to play with whats there rather then cheat case u didn't know experiance an natural skillz are advantages that nobody can really complain about :P.
hmmm so after seeing an advantage that pk had u had to do the same? monkey see monkey do? your starting to worry me. your not in any cults are you? (joke :P).
btw notice how u whent off on a tangent again instead of awnsering any of my q's? and the post before that u were beating a strawman senseless?

lets try this again!!!!

why did u change speed? why did u tell no one? and what is wrong with letting others know?

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 2:31 am 
QUIT: March 06, 2006

Joined: Sat Mar 08, 2003 11:55 am
Posts: 231
OMG! NYGMA is 340! I was just about to go through Gamespy and do that analysis, but now I'm too shaken up and I GTG. You better go catch Chuck quick!

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 Post subject: snort
PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 2:48 am 

Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2003 6:14 pm
Posts: 30
dz this is called a tangent again :). you've done somethign bad and u keep trying to change the subject. just because someone else did it. is it ok for you? u really are disturbing. u don't comment on your actions. u just say if somebody else does why not me? look on the news i saw a man shoot another in cold blood! sounds like fun? after all he did it! why not me?
little extreme there but should get the general point across... yes? just because another did somethign dosn't make it right.
however yes i've noticed it's flicked between 320 and340 several times this week. but i'm not chucks keeper. and offhand i'd assume he not been making sure to change it to 320. since a higher then max is the default that goes with the newer rqa server configs.
anyhow since u wish to engage in obvious slander. how about this. i betting pk and u argued not because u were upset he had it. i bet u were upset he would not add your name to it as well. if u saw it u shoulda said it in public immediatly. yet u didn't. your agured with him. he wouldn't add u. u pressed. u were tossed. you and ben didn't say a word till you were tossed and not only couldn't cheat with him but couldn't play there... right?.. no? then why didn't u speak up immediatly!?!?
anyhow u don't have to awnser that if u want. but awnsering the issue on hand would be nice. just 3 little questions...

why did u change speed? why did u tell no one? and what is wrong with letting others know?

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