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 Post subject: RuneQuake Server Question/Issue
PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 7:18 pm 

Joined: Wed Mar 29, 2017 6:18 pm
Posts: 5

I've been attending some local get togethers turned LANs with some friends like we did in the old days and have been urging everyone to play more quake, specifically Rune Quake. I'm a linux guy by hobby and after a couple of days of tweaking I've been able to run both a Proquake version of Rune Quake and a QuakeWorld (mvdsv) verion of the game. I know there is a huge split between the crowds and I haven't really figured out what everyone prefers since shmack seems runs both ;). Anyways, I'm having a small issue with Rune Quake itself and one issue with general server issues. If any of these questions belong somewhere else please let me know.

1. RuneQuake w/mvdsv - This runs great except for the runes getting stuck to either items or walls, O can't really tell. I was searching these forums and saw someone mentions of "tinking" sounds but I'm not sure if it's the same issue. It seems that when the runes spawn or move the rune sound loops and gets loud and louder. I've tried tweaking settings and setting various deathmatch flags but I haven't been very successful in finding a fix. The game runs flawless other than that issue so it's killing me to have to find another solution (see below).

2. ProQuake - This issue seems to be pretty well known but I haven't really been able to put my finger on it. I'm able to connect to my server but it drops. From what I've been able to gather ProQuake uses a large amount of random UDP ports so it's got a flaw in it that it requires the opening of a large number of UDP ports to work. Knowing this, is there an alternative or workaround other than keeping things wide open? I may be missing something but there are a ton of ProQuake servers so I would think this problem has a solution.

I could be looking at this all wrong so if that's the case do point me in the right direction. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

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 Post subject: Re: RuneQuake Server Question/Issue
PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 11:42 pm 
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GreedyB wrote:
I know there is a huge split between the crowds and I haven't really figured out what everyone prefers since shmack seems runs both ;).

The elitists prefer quakeworld, but the purists prefer netquake. The authentic feel of pressing fire and 30-999ms later a rocket is unleashed is an acquired taste and not for the faint of heart.

GreedyB wrote:
2. ProQuake - This issue seems to be pretty well known but I haven't really been able to put my finger on it. I'm able to connect to my server but it drops. From what I've been able to gather ProQuake uses a large amount of random UDP ports so it's got a flaw in it that it requires the opening of a large number of UDP ports to work. Knowing this, is there an alternative or workaround other than keeping things wide open? I may be missing something but there are a ton of ProQuake servers so I would think this problem has a solution.

You can try manquake, a modified version of proquake 3.50 that I use for my servers. Add the command line option "-ssp" and it will use the port specified by -port / -udpport or the default 26000. It was introduced in build version 2.74 and was on by default, but in version 2.75 it's off by default. I mention his because there are binaries available and both versions are there.

Source code:


I'll get back to you on question 1.

Slot Zero

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 Post subject: Re: RuneQuake Server Question/Issue
PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 12:24 am 
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GreedyB wrote:
1. RuneQuake w/mvdsv - This runs great except for the runes getting stuck to either items or walls, O can't really tell. I was searching these forums and saw someone mentions of "tinking" sounds but I'm not sure if it's the same issue. It seems that when the runes spawn or move the rune sound loops and gets loud and louder. I've tried tweaking settings and setting various deathmatch flags but I haven't been very successful in finding a fix.

If I limited the tink sound to once every second, would that be an acceptable solution?

Slot Zero

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 Post subject: Re: RuneQuake Server Question/Issue
PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:47 am 

Joined: Wed Mar 29, 2017 6:18 pm
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Thanks for the links and info about manquake. Ill definitely check that out. It makes me happy to see binaries ready to go :D I'm not really partial to any particular version as I like both the air movement of qw as well as the pure versions based on netquake. I do like the colored runes in QW thought.

As far as the second issue I'd hate to have you change anything if it's an isolated issue to my configuration or setup. Have you heard of this before? When it happens which is almost instantaneous when you connect it seems like the runes are colliding or getting stuck and looping the tink noise. Ive played in both the qw and netquake versions of your server but never seen it happen.

One thing that may be different in configuration is that I used the nquakesv script that installs MVDSV and ktx. I just took the runes directory and moved it over.

Thanks for your help!

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 Post subject: Re: RuneQuake Server Question/Issue
PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 4:22 pm 
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I see, so the sounds you hear are isolated to your local servers? Does it happen to both your POQ and QW servers or just QW? What your describing sounds like either you're not running dedicated servers or it could be the client you're using.

Slot Zero

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 Post subject: Re: RuneQuake Server Question/Issue
PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 9:14 pm 
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I think you are describing the situation when one runs runequake as single player or a "listen" server: runes get stuck in the wall occasionally, and one hears them making a rapid-fire tink sound as they travel by. I just tried to record it happening, but it turned out it's too rare for the effort I want to put into it.

a random mod server:

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 Post subject: Re: RuneQuake Server Question/Issue
PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 9:16 pm 

Joined: Wed Mar 29, 2017 6:18 pm
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It sounds like it's isolated to my local QW servers. It doesn't seem to be the client itself as I've tried both ezquake and FTEquake. It's only in my QuakeWorld server MVDSV 0.31-dev. What are you using for your QW server? Are there other options for QW aside from MVDSV?

I just got manquake running and it works perfectly. I remember seeing it mentioned somewhere when I was getting reacquainted with setting up q1 servers. However, it took me too long to put it together that it was yours, very cool.

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 Post subject: Re: RuneQuake Server Question/Issue
PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 9:25 pm 

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Zop wrote:
I think you are describing the situation when one runs runequake as single player or a "listen" server: runes get stuck in the wall occasionally, and one hears them making a rapid-fire tink sound as they travel by. I just tried to record it happening, but it turned out it's too rare for the effort I want to put into it.

Here is my QW dedicated server if you want to see it. It happens almost immediately when you get in the game. It's kinda funny but man its distracting.

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 Post subject: Re: RuneQuake Server Question/Issue
PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 12:48 am 
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GreedyB wrote:
I just got manquake running and it works perfectly. I remember seeing it mentioned somewhere when I was getting reacquainted with setting up q1 servers. However, it took me too long to put it together that it was yours, very cool.

Glad to hear that it works!

GreedyB wrote:
It sounds like it's isolated to my local QW servers. It doesn't seem to be the client itself as I've tried both ezquake and FTEquake. It's only in my QuakeWorld server MVDSV 0.31-dev. What are you using for your QW server? Are there other options for QW aside from MVDSV?

First of all, I just connected to your server and couldn't stop laughing at how loud and annoying it was. When I setup my QW server I had to try out different servers because the QC code ran differently on one server from another. I wound up using zqds which I don't even think has a download page anymore. Let me try and install MVDSV and see if I can't replicate the problem locally and try to figure out what is happening. I'll get back to you on this.

Slot Zero

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 Post subject: Re: RuneQuake Server Question/Issue
PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 8:02 pm 
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That was way more prevalent than I'm used to! The tinking wasn't as fast as i was thinking, however. Hopefully Slot can crack the code and solve it.

a random mod server:

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 Post subject: Re: RuneQuake Server Question/Issue
PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 6:09 am 
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I added a fix that will eliminate the annoying tink noises. Grab the latest source from here. This is the master source so it will build both qw and poq sources. If you prefer, I can compile it for you.

Slot Zero

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 Post subject: Re: RuneQuake Server Question/Issue
PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 7:01 pm 

Joined: Wed Mar 29, 2017 6:18 pm
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Nice! I've never compiled a quake mod before and I have a feeling it's more work to tell me how to set it up than it would be to compile it. If you don't mind I would be grateful if you could.

I was also able to take a look at zqds and initially ran into what seemed like file hashing issues with certain base dm maps. I ended up finding sv_mapcheck and all is well.

I also want to say that I love the grappling hook in this. I played quake 1 years and years ago but I played a lot of Quake 2 LMCTF and then some Q3 Alliance/LRCTF, all which had off hand grapple and runes.

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 Post subject: Re: RuneQuake Server Question/Issue
PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 7:42 pm 
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Compiling a quake mod is easy, but in order to make things easier I use some GNU utilities to help me maintain both the qw and poq sources without having to modify both of them. It's not hard, you just have to make sure certain packages are installed like GNU make and m4, as well as qccx. Anyhow, I've attached is the latest version to my post.

Attachments: [426.32 KiB]
Downloaded 2837 times

Slot Zero
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 Post subject: Re: RuneQuake Server Question/Issue
PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 3:45 pm 
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Hi Slot,
A number of the players on the main 26000 port are reporting a certain amount of lag when they were playing tonight and wondered it the server could be restarted just to "clear the decks" and start afresh as this apparently really helped last time. I don't think I have permissions to do this and so if you wouldn't mind restarting the port 26000 server they would really appreciate it.

Many thanks


WWW: | | EuroQuake, You Tube: QuakeVoid

Last edited by Mr.Burns on Sun Mar 17, 2019 7:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: RuneQuake Server Question/Issue
PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 4:09 pm 
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Slot Zero

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 Post subject: Re: RuneQuake Server Question/Issue
PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 4:01 pm 
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Hi Slot,

I hope you are well and managing to avoid the current "lurgy" :)

Whilst on the server this evening, a regular player (and donor) posed the question "...could you ask Slot if, seeing as the number of players has diminished, it would be possible to integrate bots in to the server so that we can "vote-bot-on" to create an opponent to play against during quite times when there are no human opponents?". The new DM mod (from Canadian Sniper) on port 26001 on the New York servers did this very well but it appears that unfortunately Polarite has taken down those servers. Is this something you would consider adding?

Stay well everyone

Kind regards

WWW: | | EuroQuake, You Tube: QuakeVoid

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 Post subject: Re: RuneQuake Server Question/Issue
PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 12:47 pm 
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It was always my plan to add bots but let's face it, one week turns into 10 years. I will explore this but it really boils down to can I maintain the interest enough to complete this. The best advice for getting me to do this is to encourage others to ask as well so I don't just forget about it. I know that might not be what everyone wants to hear, but I would rather be honest than make empty promises.

Slot Zero

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 Post subject: Re: RuneQuake Server Question/Issue
PostPosted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 6:09 am 
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Hi Slot
Thanks for taking the time to come back to me, and don't worry we've been around long enough and understand completely :) . I must admit that from my point of view, when I used to play on NewDM in New York the bots were invalueable so I would agree with EZJack and support the idea. If I had your QC knowledge I would probably do it for you :) That said, I will try and convass opinion to see if any other of the regulars would find this useful.

[Just in case any of them are reading this...] What say you OG, Killa, Sara, Fire, Icha, Clay, DiePlz, and all, would you like to have a "vote-bot-add" / "vote-bot-remove" option so that you you can add / remove a virtual opponent when the server is quiet. Obviously we would need some protection to ensure that nobody floods all the server slots with bots, so maybe a max of 4?, and any human wishing to join the server would automatically remove a bot if no free slots were available. These are just ideas off the top of my head but please feel free to contribute below :)

Kind regards

WWW: | | EuroQuake, You Tube: QuakeVoid

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 Post subject: Re: RuneQuake Server Question/Issue
PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 7:28 am 
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Joined: Mon Dec 26, 2005 7:31 pm
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Hi Slot

Just a small update:
As promised, I asked the "voteable bot" question last night and EZJack and Sara (another donor) said that they where in favour. Crane was on the server but hasn't responded so far.
Just a side note but Sara said that she is having issues connecting to the forum. I mentioned the "forgot your password" option but I'll try and get more details as soon as I see her.

Kind regards

WWW: | | EuroQuake, You Tube: QuakeVoid

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 Post subject: Re: RuneQuake Server Question/Issue
PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 6:44 pm 

Joined: Thu Jul 24, 2003 2:46 pm
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Mr.Burns wrote:
Hi Slot

Just a small update:
As promised, I asked the "voteable bot" question last night and EZJack and Sara (another donor) said that they where in favour. Crane was on the server but hasn't responded so far.
Just a side note but Sara said that she is having issues connecting to the forum. I mentioned the "forgot your password" option but I'll try and get more details as soon as I see her.

Kind regards

I would be in favor of voting bots on/off. I'm not sure if its possible to change their difficulty but even simple bots makes it fun to throw down a couple tornados!


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