The ground and view weapon models were by MonkeyRat.
The health and ammo boxes were made by n30g3n3s1s
(To use them make a folder called q3models in /textures folder and place the files in their but not the ones which end in gloss and bump)
Textures were from the Quake Retexturing Project and the 'muhbad' texture was from the Fuhquake Installer
The skybox on dm2 was 'nightball' and on e3m6 'frozendusk' both by Socks.
The Hud is from the Fuhquake Installer, The numbers are Quake 2 by moondrunk and the charset is quake 4 also by moondrunk.
And here is my config:
// Generated by JoeQuake
// Key bindings
bind "TAB" "+showscores"
bind "ENTER" "+jump"
bind "ESCAPE" "togglemenu"
bind "SPACE" "+jump"
bind "+" "sizeup"
bind "," "+moveleft"
bind "-" "sizedown"
bind "." "+moveright"
bind "/" "impulse 10"
bind "0" "impulse 0"
bind "1" "impulse 1"
bind "2" "impulse 2"
bind "3" "impulse 3"
bind "4" "impulse 4"
bind "5" "impulse 5"
bind "6" "impulse 6"
bind "7" "impulse 7"
bind "8" "impulse 8"
bind "=" "sizeup"
bind "\" "+mlook"
bind "`" "toggleconsole"
bind "a" "+moveleft"
bind "c" "+movedown"
bind "d" "+moveright"
bind "e" "+moveup"
bind "s" "+back"
bind "t" "messagemode"
bind "w" "+forward"
bind "z" "+lookdown"
bind "~" "toggleconsole"
bind "PAUSE" "pause"
bind "UPARROW" "+forward"
bind "DOWNARROW" "+back"
bind "LEFTARROW" "+left"
bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right"
bind "LALT" "+strafe"
bind "RALT" "+strafe"
bind "LCTRL" "+attack"
bind "RCTRL" "+attack"
bind "LSHIFT" "+speed"
bind "RSHIFT" "+speed"
bind "F1" "help"
bind "F2" "menu_save"
bind "F3" "menu_load"
bind "F4" "menu_options"
bind "F5" "menu_multiplayer"
bind "F6" "echo Quicksaving...; wait; save quick"
bind "F9" "echo Quickloading...; wait; load quick"
bind "F10" "quit"
bind "F12" "screenshot"
bind "INS" "+klook"
bind "DEL" "+lookdown"
bind "PGDN" "+lookup"
bind "END" "centerview"
bind "KP_MINUS" "volumedown"
bind "KP_PLUS" "volumeup"
bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
bind "MOUSE2" "+forward"
bind "MOUSE3" "+mlook"
bind "MWHEELUP" "impulse 12"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "impulse 10"
// Variables
joystick "0"
cl_bobbing "1"
r_rockettrail "3"
mapname "dm2"
cl_sbar "0"
_cl_color "4"
_cl_name "Judas"
cl_smartjump "1"
m_side "0.8"
m_forward "1"
m_yaw "0.022"
m_pitch "0.022"
freelook "1"
sensitivity "11"
lookstrafe "0"
lookspring "0"
cl_sidespeed "999"
cl_backspeed "999"
cl_forwardspeed "999"
cl_upspeed "999"
_snd_mixahead "0.1"
bgmvolume "1"
volume "0.8"
gl_part_spiketrails "1"
gl_part_lightning "1"
gl_part_flames "1"
gl_part_inferno "1"
gl_part_lavasplash "1"
gl_part_blobs "1"
gl_part_telesplash "1"
gl_part_blood "1"
gl_part_gunshots "1"
gl_part_spikes "1"
gl_part_trails "1"
gl_part_explosions "1"
gl_loadq3models "1"
gl_vertexlights "1"
gl_caustics "1"
gl_detail "1"
r_skybox "nightball"
r_novis "1"
r_wateralpha "0.4"
r_shadows "1"
capture_dir "C:/Quake/capture"
gl_triplebuffer "1"
scr_conspeed "99999"
viewsize "100"
fov "105"
gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"
crosshairalpha ".7"
gl_consolefont "charset_id4"
gl_conalpha "0.5"
_windowed_mouse "1"
vid_stretch_by_2 "1"
vid_config_y "600"
vid_config_x "800"
_vid_default_mode_win "3"
_vid_default_mode "0"
_vid_wait_override "0"
vid_nopageflip "0"
vid_mode "32"
sv_aim "1"
_config_modem_hangup "AT H"
_config_modem_init ""
_config_modem_clear "ATZ"
_config_modem_dialtype "T"
_config_com_modem "1"
_config_com_baud "57600"
_config_com_irq "4"
_config_com_port "0x3f8"
hostname "hppav"
gl_subdivide_size "128"
saved4 "0"
saved3 "0"
saved2 "0"
saved1 "0"
savedgamecfg "1"
deathmatch "1"
skill "2"
cmdline " -44khz -width 1024 -height 768 -bpp 32 "
registered "1"
gl_contrast "1.7"
gl_gamma "0.65"
v_kickpitch "0"
v_kickroll "0"
v_kicktime "0"
cl_bob "0"
cl_rollangle "0"
show_stats "0"
crosshaircolor "78"
crosshair "1"