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Author:  sputnikutah [ Thu Sep 29, 2005 2:52 am ]
Post subject:  FTE QuakeTV

Ok, not sure where to post this kinda news but...

Spike the creator of FTE Quakeworld has released a streaming MVD QW Proxy called FTE Quake TV which allows people to steam games in MVD format (demos or live games). Here is a breif description from the readme:

Note that fteqtv is just a qtv proxy made by the fte team.
The thing works by transfering mvd files over tcp/ip. The result is a reliable buffered connection, providing smooth action. The tcp protocol is purly an mvd. You can connect with a simple tcp client and remotly record your own mvd from it.

source included! I just wonder how simple this would be to convert fo NetQuake!?

Author:  Baker [ Thu Sep 29, 2005 9:05 am ]
Post subject: 

A server "cam" would be cool, if it has that capability.

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