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My Top 10 List of Cool JoeQuake Features
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Author:  Baker [ Sun Jul 17, 2005 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  My Top 10 List of Cool JoeQuake Features

My Top Ten List of Cool JoeQuake Features

1. Easily make AVI movies of your demos

Like capturedemo demo3 ---> capture/demo3.avi

2. 24 bit Textures + Models Support


3. FuhQuake crosshairs 2 to 6 plus crosshair transparency settings

Console example: make a circular brown semi-transparent crosshair

crosshair 6; crosshaircolor 25; crosshairalpha .6

4. Console improvements:

a. mousewheel scrolls up/down console
b. console transparency settings
c. increase or decrease the size of the console with CTRL + Up or CTRL + Down


5. Type record in console and joequake will automatically record with a demo name that includes the map name and date so you can easily find it, like:

Automatic naming of demos when typing 'record' in console wrote:

6. The Map and Demo browsers:


7. PrintTxt command


And JoeQuake will print the contents to the console.

8. I've only rarely used it, but supposedly you can CHANGE THE GAME (like the -game whatever) parameter on the fly inside JoeQuake.

9. The invisibility effect and the particles, and the Quake 3/Quakeworld style weapon bobbing.


This is the invisibility effect in JoeQuake; unlike most other Quake engines, you can still see your weapon but it transparent. I used to HATE getting invisibility rings because my weapon disappeared off screen.

Plus: if you set cl_bobbing 1 the weapons and armor and runes bob up and down similar to Quakeworld and Quake 3. I just think it's cool.

10. All the options and commands. Type cmdlist inside JoeQuake or read:

Just about everything can be turned on or off and you can do so a lot of different things like show_speed 1 (to see how fast you are moving) or show_fps 1 (see FPS) or cl_clock 1 (and have the current time on-screen).

There is also parameter completion, type cl_c and press TAB and it will show every command that begins with cl_c or complete all or part of it depending on what matches.

Two lesser known features in JoeQuake wrote:
writeconfig myconfig.txt
cl_deadbodyfilter 2 <---- dead bodies disappear the instant they are killed

Author:  Jozsef [ Fri Jul 22, 2005 3:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

hehe, thanks man!
More than a manual :)

Author:  Baker [ Fri Jul 22, 2005 3:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'll be making you a manual :D

Just gimme some time :shock:

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