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replace player skin?
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Author:  yellow#5 [ Sun May 15, 2005 2:19 am ]
Post subject:  replace player skin?

I have all new textures and skins now in my joequake setup, except the player models still look like crap. How can I replace the default skin, so that it still works the same and shows players shirt/pants colors, but is higher resolution? I tried dropping "player_0.tng" in /joequake/textues/models but that didn't work. What do I need to do?

Author:  Jozsef [ Sun May 15, 2005 2:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

use png or tga instead of "tng"... :)

okay, I guess it was only a typo. Otherwise yea, that's the place where you should put the file. The reason why you don't see any change is probably becoz it only applies that skin when gl_nocolors is 1, elsewhere it uses the old palette based low-res skin. There's no such feature in JQ which colors the hi-res skin sorry. Long ago sputnikutah and I had a discuss on it, but couldn't found any ways to solve it.

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