Rune Central

Fairly bad "Record" bug in 1329
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Author:  Baker [ Sun May 07, 2006 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Fairly bad "Record" bug in 1329

Jozsef, when I connect to a server and type "record whatever" to in the console to make a demo, this latest build 1329 crashes.

I've tried it on a couple of different servers and seem to encounter the problem everytime.

I'll collect more data this to see if it has something to do with my settings. When I get more information, I'll post it here.

Author:  Baker [ Sun May 07, 2006 10:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Notes ... more coming ...

Seems to happen when I connect to RocketGuy's server.

Then JoeQuake GL crashes. If I restart JoeQuake GL, seems to happen at any server.

On a system reboot, I don't seem to have the problem unless I connect to

Only seems to occur if I connect to as the first thing I do when starting JoeQuake followed by doing "record mydemo" although my first encounter with this was deep in a game on that server.

(How can trying to record a demo make a difference when connected to that server? Weird)

More notes to come.

Author:  Baker [ Tue May 09, 2006 2:00 am ]
Post subject: 

I'll have to do some research on this, I got this problem when connecting straight to as well.

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