Rune Central

Zombies, Trap Runes, Ice, Grav Wells
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Author:  Baker [ Fri May 27, 2005 3:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Zombies, Trap Runes, Ice, Grav Wells

There was a time when I thought the trap runes just got in the way of the action, I hated trap runes when Shmack was Lithium. No hook = a lot of camper deathtraps.

You can still build iron clad death traps, it's just a lot harder.

But the funny thing is I've learned to love Zombies in the last month. You can clog up a couple of escapes and players don't even know what to do.

It's also funny to put a Zombie near a weapon and if you shoot at the player and miss, you'll hit the Zombie for sure inflicting splash damage on the player getting the weapon.

I also like how Zombies moan if they see a player, it's like establishing a warning system. You can control about 1/3 of a larger map with zombies.

Zombies rock!

And although ice is a little annoying, it's a little funny too. I can't help but be amused by how players manage to get stuck in ice even when they know the ice is there. It's also funny when a player who has had 20 frags in a row with a great rune runs into a deathspot.

But I hate it when you place death spots and ice traps, drop the rune and get repulsion, that always sucks.

And while holograms are useless, you can use them to create visibility issues in an area. (Can a player see a rocket fired at them when the hologram is blocking the view of the incoming rocket?)

Author:  funkify [ Sat May 28, 2005 9:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

It would be nice if repulsion ignored your own traps.

Author:  5AB0TAG3 [ Mon May 30, 2005 1:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah holograms are usefull to block visibility especially in camper areas.

They used to explode and do damage, I wonder if they still do.

I don't like Ice. Most of the time I end up caught in it ("you big dummy") or another player gets a frag for killing a player trapped in my ice.

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