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Yellow's JoeQuake / Team-Play @ Shmack
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Author:  Baker [ Tue May 10, 2005 7:08 am ]
Post subject:  Yellow's JoeQuake / Team-Play @ Shmack

Yellow's JoeQuake / Team-Play @ Shmack

Yellow, you are using the exact same JoeQuakeGL version that Hydro is using, correct?

[Yellow is still having problems in team-mode on 26002, he has no problem when team-mode isn't on. Hydro isn't having the problem, so it doesn't appear that it's RQ's fault or the client's (??) but something isn't right.]]

Author:  yellow#5 [ Tue May 10, 2005 6:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm using joequake pro 1.5. Hydro uses joequake pro 1.4. However, I also have 1.4 but when I tried that it also crashed. Maybe it's something about my setup? When I get a chance I'll try a few things and see if I can narrow down my the problem.

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