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 Post subject: Adult Quake: The Coming of Dredd
PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 12:57 pm 
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Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:26 pm
Posts: 79
Location: Iowa, United States
Someone once said, “It is in the ability to open our eyes and minds where limitless wonders are discovered.“ This quote holds true to my opinion of the latest gaming server, Dredd. Rather, this quote holds true to what is left of the quake community. There are some of us who just won’t let the game die, who refuse to believe it is dead, because lets face it, it’s alive. Quake still has a strong heartbeat, and with the players that are here today, in 2007, and Quake has just got another beat, coming straight from Texas at

Dredd is the latest in additions to upcoming Cax servers. The benefits of it are extremely embraced by a large portion of the Quake community. With auto rotation, mvp reporting of each round, and a selection of maps that would confuse Chuck Norris, Dredd has made it’s face known and is smiling more than ever.

Thought up by Phenom/Baker equally, I’d personally like to thank them on behalf of the community for this addition. Today I got a chance to sit down with Phenom and decided I’d ask some questions concerning it.

(Frenzy) evening sir

(Phenom) evening

(Frenzy) This may be an obvious answer type of question, but what sparked the idea about Dredd between you and Baker?

(Phenom) Basically, how the idea started was a request from the Quake 1 community asking that they thought about creating a server that kind of 'pushed' a new view on Quake 1 by implementing all new custom maps and removing anything that would resemble the old feel of CA Dm6,DM3,Dm4 etc . This would also push for new skills to be developed and new strategies in teamgames etc

(Frenzy) Is it working?

(Phenom) Dredd's current state is actually showing that it's intuitive game play even though its still Clan Arena that the chosen custom maps definitely spark a flare for many of the standard CA DM3 players, some of them treat it like they have seen the light and don't play at CA servers that don’t offer map rotation, custom maps or the admin free feel of Dredd. Also using the custom maps I think keeps people's minds always working so they don't have time to sit and think so it’s a nonstop game of What will happen next? , and while the higher skilled players will definitely have an advantage it still is a new experience to almost everyone.

(Frenzy) I recently had a discussion with Baker, in this I brought up an idea: to have each map play 3 times, then the auto rotation. Clans see this as a positive possible addition to the server, bringing a new kind of challenge to the server, is this a future possiblity? I think I speak for most clans that this would be a great addition as soon as possible

(Phenom) I think your idea is excellent. Currently R00k is working on coding this into the mod for dredd.

(Frenzy) For those new players, that don't really know what the fuss of DM3 is about, the ones who could be reading this, could you explain it to them and explain to them why DM3 is nowhere to be found on Dredd?

(Phenom) Dredd is a very flexible newbie friendly server. That doesn't mean that skilled players have an easy time because the Dredd's current player base is a mash of players from newbie to veteran. Dm3 is one of the best maps made by ID Software for Quake 1 death match & Clan Arena and while Dredd doesn't offer DM3 exclusively it does offer a DM3again rendition created Quake communities's Zop & Frenzy which supports much more variations in game play. Standard DM3 is also not needed dew to there already being a CAx server that essentially runs DM3 24/7. So to Dredd DM3 is not a big factor in fun. Quake 1 should be fun because of the interaction with other people, not simply with 1 map. I've heard people say DM3 IS Clan Arena. I believe these people play Quake 1 simply because they are bored and do not know how to spend their time. These aren’t true Quakers at heart they just want to play a game. Cheers to them but a True Quaker frags through rain sleet snow or wind.

(Frenzy) I think I'm gonna wrap this up because you're nailing everything, anything you'd like to say to the community out there?

(Frenzy) Why should we play at Dredd? Convince me.

(Phenom) Playing at Dredd is like going back in time to the first time you played Quake online (1996 for most of us) it somehow captures the magic that was there but gives you the knowledge of what you know now. You get the best of both worlds, a MOD you love and the feeling of something new. Dredd is in my view and many other old school players s view what Clan Arena's next big step is. I don't consider Dredd to be the final word in Clan Arena. I consider it to be the beginning.

(Frenzy) I'm convinced. See you at, shall we?

(Phenom> I'm on it


Location: Dallas Texas
Game type: Clan ArenaX by R00k and Bam
Status: Active
Administration: Phenom and Baker
Coding and Updates: R00k
Most Active: P.M. times of the day Central American time.
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The best thing to happen to quake since the grapple

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 9:23 am 
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Joined: Thu Nov 13, 2003 5:49 am
Posts: 11
1. It ain't "Adult Quake" without topless nazi chicks.
2. You mentioned Chuck Norris without his permission. A round-house kick to the face has been PM'ed to you.
3. The word "Dredd" is the IP property of Rebellion Developments. Please send them a cheque for £10,000.
4. You can never go back.
5. You can never go ... wait, what?

Quake Terminus

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