Just want to say it brings joy to my heart that Shmack is still going after all these years. Thanks to everyone who has helped keep it alive.
I know people would love Runequake or Rocket Arena if they played it a bit. Clan Arena was also fun. I guess it's just tricky getting people to play a 20 year old game, especially younger folks. Quake 1 is still one of my all time favorites. Multiplayer was always enormous fun. I've always hoped for some form of Quake revival, where we could have populated servers again. I have fond memories of playing in the late 90s on a 28k modem. Was in a clan called DEVO and played CTF on a server known as INSYNC and eventually quake.trinicom.com. I'm only 31 years old now so I was pretty dang young back then
anyways...cool to see Shmack is still up