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Rune Quake suggestions
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Author:  IEEE 802.11 [ Mon Apr 28, 2003 11:51 am ]
Post subject:  Rune Quake suggestions

Easy to upgrade to current version of Rune Quake:

You said on your Todo page "- add popular "fun" rune variants to make it easier for upgrades?"

Could you also devise custom files to place custom new runes that are added? That is make it simple as coping 3 files over to add a new runes when upgrading. 1 file would be like second func.qc, only for the custom functions, 1 would be for the rune specifics (Rune activates, rune things, sprints, descriptions.. etc) and then the last one wouldn't be a file you include, but a directoy where we store the custom files in a directory (IE. fiendachu.qc, sniper.qc)

Basically they would be like a template that you never update in releases, a part of the mod that can remain constant without worry of going through all the code and making changes again.

If you did something like this people could start making tutorials for adding new runes making it simple as altering a few changes to the code for rune specific traits, adding the descriptions/actions and dropping the file into the runes directory (and adding it to progs.src, naturally).

Support of other player models:

I found a way to turn the player into a different model with ease (simple as typing morph (self, "progs/shamblers.mdl"); keep in mind animation is another issue). It doesn't require much extra code and can be used to turn players into monsters or who knows what. I've coded an example of this developers feature into 0.8 and will send it to you for inspection if you're interested.

I'm sure many other coders like Painkiller and Dreadful will find these useful and time saving, and maybe allow other's interest to spark in developing. It will also help prevent spinoff mods (Due to the fact that some people make so many changes to RQ that they can't upgrade to versions after the version they used IE. Rune Quake Advanced which is changed so much internally that it would take months to upgrade it to a version like 0.8.)

Author:  Slot Zero [ Mon Apr 28, 2003 4:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rune Quake suggestions

Mr Wi-Fi wrote:
I'm sure many other coders like Painkiller and Dreadful will find these useful and time saving, and maybe allow other's interest to spark in developing.

I think the easiest solution is for me to release the Rune Quake CVS repository.

Mr Wi-Fi wrote:
It will also help prevent spinoff mods (Due to the fact that some people make so many changes to RQ that they can't upgrade to versions after the version they used IE.

With CVS, you can branch off the code and selectively merge in my changes.

In the meantime, if you're note familiar with it, check out CVS.


Author:  Slot Zero [ Wed Apr 30, 2003 3:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rune Quake suggestions

Mr Wi-Fi wrote:
I found a way to turn the player into a different model with ease [...] I've coded an example of this developers feature into 0.8 and will send it to you for inspection if you're interested.

Sure, feel free to send me anything you think is cool or worthy of investigation.


Author:  Diazoild [ Thu May 01, 2003 11:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'd like to see the ability to turn into monsters added to Rune Quake and the modified versions. Don't believe it has been released yet, but I've seen it on the old Beatdown and TQ servers.

Think it adds something fresh to the mod and can be done without harming the balance of the game. Only change I would suggest is to eliminate monsters from having the ability to pick up runes since you gain some "powers" as a monster.

Author:  Diazoild [ Fri May 09, 2003 8:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well I sort of got my wish. Seems IEEE coded the ability to spawn the server bots as monsters and Chuck recently came across that section of the code.

SINGED is now featuring monster bots! Each time they spawn they are a different monster. All monsters are enabled, Shambler, Chthon, Zombie, Hell Knight, Solider, Tar baby, etc. Sort of looks like a freak show in there, hehe.

Author:  IEEE 802.11 [ Sat May 10, 2003 12:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

lol, now that's something I'm going to enjoy. I like having the bots as monster because 1. It's cool looking. 2. You can tell which are the bots when a human is in the game.

Author:  Diazoild [ Sat May 10, 2003 1:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Some of the monsters are too funny. The fish, tarbaby and Chthon come to mind.

Chthon Killa

Author:  Chuck [ Sat May 10, 2003 1:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yea, the fish are hilarious!

Author:  Diazoild [ Sat May 10, 2003 1:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tar baby cracks me up the most... nothing like a little blue plug chasing you firing rocks, :shock: .

Author:  IEEE 802.11 [ Sat May 10, 2003 7:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

I like the dogs, I swore one stopped to pee on me after killing me, but it was just chatting.

Author:  Kyra [ Thu Jun 05, 2003 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  that sounds cool

what server is it where you can spawn as a monster? that sounds fun what's the IP?

Author:  IEEE 802.11 [ Mon Jun 30, 2003 7:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well lets you become the monsters either by using a rune or finding a monster powerup.

Author:  Yugo2Heck [ Tue Jul 01, 2003 3:03 am ]
Post subject: 

I have a suggestion: Make the Shub Hat rune protect against Rain. A big old hat like that should keep you nice and dry.

Author:  IEEE 802.11 [ Wed Jul 02, 2003 7:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

Not a bad idea if only people would hold onto Shub-hat. I've been thinking about improving on the rune's idea a bit, it'll need a new name tho so people with the "drop it soon as I pick it up" mindset will have to look at it.

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