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Rune Quake Developer Courtesy
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Author:  Slot Zero [ Fri Apr 18, 2003 7:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Rune Quake Developer Courtesy

I think it's great when someone takes the time to open up the Rune Quake source and starts making changes. That is part of what open source is all about. I do ask that any developer who makes changes to the Rune Quake source comply with two very simple requests:

#1) If you distribute a progs.dat, you distribute or make available the source code as well.

#2) If you modify the 'teamplay' console variable, you append to the "Rune Quake <version>" instead of altering the contents.

These very simple requests help keep the developer community alive.

Author:  Chuck [ Fri Apr 18, 2003 7:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Will do!

Author:  Dreadful [ Mon Apr 21, 2003 7:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yea, I will keep this in mind. The version stuff is normal, and I havnt really had anywhere to let out the source for download. But I will load it onto my site when I figure it out. (phpnuke is confusing). :P

Author:  Diazoild [ Mon Apr 28, 2003 6:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm not sure I totally understand this thread. Are you saying that Rune Quake Advanced should display the Rune Quake version that was modified to create RQA?

Author:  Slot Zero [ Mon Apr 28, 2003 8:48 pm ]
Post subject: 


Rune Quake <original version> <Developer Tag/Version>

Author:  Diazoild [ Mon Apr 28, 2003 9:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hmm, I thought you were referring to mods where people slightly modified Rune Quake. The RQA structure and code seems to have changed significantly.

If you applied this same rule to Rune Quake, shouldn't it also carry the RJS Version that was used to create it?

RJS <original version> <Developer Tag/Version>

Author:  Slot Zero [ Mon Apr 28, 2003 9:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Diazoild wrote:
If you applied this same rule to Rune Quake, shouldn't it also carry the RJS Version that was used to create it?

This isn't a rule, it's a request. The Artifact-RJS project was handed to me by Roderick. He didn't have any problems with my renaming it, nor did he make any special requests.

This request is asked to all developers that use the Rune Quake code as a base. I don't think I am asking too much.

Author:  Diazoild [ Mon Apr 28, 2003 9:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

OK.. I just want to get this straight. When I open the settings file I see the name Ben Webber. Guess I should contact him.

Author:  Slot Zero [ Mon Apr 28, 2003 9:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

If you're looking to change the version in RQA, I recommend you write Ben.


Author:  Ben [ Tue Apr 29, 2003 5:33 am ]
Post subject: 

As I recall the original version was 0.5.3, though I am not 100% sure, I will have to check.

Edit: Just confirmed, the version RQA is built from is 0.5.3.

Author:  Diazoild [ Sat May 03, 2003 1:47 am ]
Post subject: 

OK I'm set.

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