Rune Central

[NEW RUNE] - Sniper Rune
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Author:  Slot Zero [ Sat Oct 11, 2003 5:20 pm ]
Post subject:  [NEW RUNE] - Sniper Rune

Sniper Rune

Activate your rune to gib just about anyone. You start off losing 25 health with each activation. Your potential health loss will increase with every kill. There is no recharge time!


When you kill someone, the ratio to determine health loss (with each activation) is 25 + random N. N increases in intervals of 50. For example, you can potentially do 175 points (max) and 25 points (min) of damage to yourself when you kill 3 people and activate your rune.

Immunity Runes


Other Features

Got Pent? Can you say, "KILL FRENZY!!"?


Quad damage.

Author:  Baker [ Sat Oct 11, 2003 11:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

That means that effectively the rune is limited to just a few uses, right? Auto-kill runes are generally unfair.

[Berzerker is effectively an auto-kill rune, but it has a big drawback. If I am understanding this correctly, it sounds like your implementation of the rune is very fair in the berzerker style of fair.]

Author:  IEEE 802.11 [ Sun Oct 12, 2003 1:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well in the other versions of this rune the big draw back is it eats up alot of ammo and it' very very hard to use because it requires a direct hit and even then it doesn't always kill them.

Author:  Slot Zero [ Sun Oct 12, 2003 1:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Give it a try, I think you'll find it much less powerful than Berserk and a lot harder to use. The fact that there is no recharge time makes you want to fire like crazy and more times than not, you'll end up killing yourself.

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