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Author:  sputnikutah [ Fri Feb 17, 2006 6:43 pm ]


Well, in Qrack I'm using 100% code from ProQuake, (hense the pq_ cvar)
and it reads pings off of CRMOD. Using void () pqc_ping_times = at intertex, i call an update every 5 seconds from the players, again Qrack read the pings on the scoreboard. But, on runequake, it works for 1 seconds then the pings go up to around 3000+ then it refreshes again after 5 seconds. I scanned the runequake source and it doenst use, the "pqc_ping_times" function? But, oddly in proquake I can see the scoreboard pings :evil: im stuck!

Author:  Slot Zero [ Fri Feb 17, 2006 7:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

The ProQuake code automatically refreshes your scoreboard ping at 5 second intervals, so adding it in the mod isn't necessary (for intertex). I just tried using the latest version of Qrack (1.55 full) on Shmack and oddly enough the pings were not changing every 1 second, they were changing every 5 seconds. I went to a CRMod server to see if it would work and the same results occurred. The pings were OK though, no 3000 spikes, they just updated slower (or normally actually).

Author:  sputnikutah [ Fri Feb 17, 2006 8:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

ya, im trying post 1.55 using pqc_ping_times,
in 1.55 i have that completely commented out :( oh well if it aint broke...
thanks for your reply...

Author:  Slot Zero [ Fri Feb 17, 2006 8:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sent you a PM earlier too.

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