Blizzard Rune
Activate your rune to freeze anyone in site that isn't too far away, including monsters. In addition, touching players will cause them to freeze as well. Each time your rune is activated, or you touch someone, you have to wait for your rune to recharge.
If you activate your rune and fail to freeze someone, you have to wait 3 seconds for it to recharge. For each person you freeze, your recharge time increases by 10 seconds. For example, if you freeze 3 people, your recharge time is 30 seconds. Each person is frozen approximately 1.2 seconds with rune and 1 second if touched.
Environmental protection rune and suit, ice traps, and other blizzard rune holders.
Other Features
If you walk over ice traps, you deactivate them while adding a slight increase to your freeze time, (approx. 0.5 seconds per trap). This increase in freeze time is only good for 1 use, and isn't lost if you fail to freeze someone on activation.
Beware of water, it starts to freeze around you, trapping you for a second and refreezing you after 3 seconds. If your rune is super charged (freeze time increased), you will stay frozen longer.
_________________ Slot Zero
