Rune Central

Fatty update
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Author:  Zop [ Wed Mar 10, 2004 8:11 am ]
Post subject:  Fatty update

Completed edit mode functions; now you can now create any item where ever you desire, assuming you have the money. Which you will, since server is in "test" mode. Also, for cheaper, you can make one-use quads, rings, and pents. Oh, the teamplay possibilities...

You will no longer switch to a weapon on pickup, unless you set it so (one of the impulse 50s option, browse start menu for info).

Superhealth will now cure poison AND give you health. (Health will regularly remove poison if you have it, rather than heal you).

As long as the jump button is pressed, your player will try to jump. That is, hold it down to jump nonstop.

You cannot get a powerup if you already have the same one equipped. That is, you will have to wait for your quad to run out before you can get another.

Laser rune is now an always-on rune (icon for all always-on runes changed), so now you can combine it with damage rune (30 damage a laser), or combine it with an attack rune (weapon speed rune) to allow your supernailgun to fire 20 of the 15-damage lasers a second (if your server connection was perfect).

Added rune: Fast Projectiles. I have a slow enhancement rune, why not a fast one? Yes, the slow and fast can combine (they're both always-on) and your projectiles will be slower than normal, but faster than slow. Oh yes, faster than slow.

Author:  Diazoild [ Wed Mar 10, 2004 11:23 am ]
Post subject: 

Yes, the slow and fast can combine (they're both always-on) and your projectiles will be slower than normal, but faster than slow. Oh yes, faster than slow

Glad you cleared that up. :shock:

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