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Impulse 22 hook?
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Author:  bradd1 [ Sun Jun 22, 2008 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Impulse 22 hook?

I don't know if this has been discussed already. I checked the forums and did not find a topic on it. If I'm beating a dead horse, I apologize.

That said, is there any way that it can be coded to allow a player to use impulse 22 to select the grappling hook in addition to selecting axe twice? Right now I have it set up as" bind x "impulse 1;wait;wait;wait;impulse 1". It works about 75% of the time. I just think it would be nice to see as that is the default for CTF, and we wouldn't have to unbind and rebind stuff to switch between game types. :)

Author:  Paradise [ Sun Jun 22, 2008 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Impulse 22 hook?

Hi Brad.

It is good to have a univeral config that works with all mods. The CTF hook does the best to accomplish that. I completely agree with you, you should not have to change your cfg and binds when playing different mods. Stick to the CTF config, that is my best advice, I use it as well.

To answer your question, Shmack allows the usage of "+hook." Most have that binded to mouse2.

CTF hook is harder to use, it is worth it into the end. Due to how other mods are configured, you will have to work harder while playing them - pressing more keys - etc., than others. That is until you get used to it, then it becomes 2nd nature to you and you can perform these actions easily, effortlessly and without giving it much thought.

Into conclusion you have 2 options. Change configs every time, use one for all and be consistent.

Going through axe is extremely beneficial, you cycle through a weapon. Think if a foe comes up to your face and you are busy selecting hook - into that split second you can deal them some damage with the axe first before going to hook to evade - then switch to any other weapon to inflict further damage - from the distance. I killed many this way. I think this is the norm, very good as it is extremely flexible - opening up lots of options, and it must not be changed.

Into the end it is up to you how you play the game, I was just giving some helpful suggestions. :)

P.S. I think the impulse 22, does work. I heard about it and I tested it onto the server and it goes straight to hook - this was a while ago. Bind it to a key.

Author:  Slot Zero [ Mon Jun 23, 2008 12:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Impulse 22 hook?

There are several commands to choose from, hopefully you will find some of these useful. It goes without saying that these commands should be bound to a key.

weapon9 - changes your current weapon to the hook

+hook - launches the hook and keeps you attached for as long as you hold down your bound key

hook-on - launches the hook and keeps you attached

hook-off - releases the hook

hook-toggle - if hook is attached it releases, otherwise it launches

Author:  bradd1 [ Mon Jun 23, 2008 1:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Impulse 22 hook?

Thank you for the replies. It sounds like weapon9 is exactly what I was looking for. I didn't see it when I read the in-game tutorial. I will give it a shot tomorrow as it's past my bedtime tonight. :)

Author:  Cherrie [ Wed Jun 25, 2008 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Impulse 22 hook?

I actually prefer +hook to the weapon9 option (although I have used them both) because I have +hook bound to my second mouse button. That way where ever I am aiming is where my hook is going to go. I find it useful, as opposed to the weapon9 choice, because I still have the option to fire while being hooked to something/ or in the process of hooking. Just my two cents. :)

Author:  .fin. [ Tue Jul 08, 2008 3:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Impulse 22 hook?

Cherrie wrote:
I actually prefer +hook to the weapon9 option (although I have used them both) because I have +hook bound to my second mouse button. That way where ever I am aiming is where my hook is going to go. I find it useful, as opposed to the weapon9 choice, because I still have the option to fire while being hooked to something/ or in the process of hooking. Just my two cents. :)

Ditto on Cherrie's comment (Hi Cher!).
+hook allows you to grapple & fire simultaneously--a great advantage in RuneQuake.

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