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De-QCCXing log for Lardarse as I help on this
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Author:  Baker [ Mon May 28, 2007 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  De-QCCXing log for Lardarse as I help on this

WinMerge shows the following files with changes in the RQuake .diff that RocketGuy made:

admin.qc (changes not applicable to Rune Quake)
bindings.qc (changes do not appear to be applicable to Rune Quake)
client.qc (you told me to avoid this one)
defs.qc (applicable to Rune Quake, frik-file support related)
develop.qc (ghost_check is commented out, is used in rjs.qc)
func.qc (various changes)
map-auto.qc (does not look as if it applies to Rune Quake, just RQuake -- custom map stuff)
progs.src (de-referencing internal.qc, net.qc, strman.qc, hunk.qc, hunked.qc, lp.qc, map.qc, customap.qc)
rjs.qc (various changes)
settings.qc (changes do not appear applicable to Rune Quake)
team.qc (changes don't look like applicable to Rune Quake)
world.qc (looks applicable)

Author:  Baker [ Mon May 28, 2007 6:21 pm ]
Post subject: 


A single line was changed


if (custom_size (m))


if (numbered_custom (self.impulse - 58))

Just looks like this is for the slightly different RQuake mechanism for handling the maps.

Skipping admin.qc changes.

Author:  Baker [ Mon May 28, 2007 6:25 pm ]
Post subject: 


This code was commented out by Rocketguy but doesn't look like de-QCCXing

   dprint ("Aliased alt impulse ");
   dprint (ftos(alt_imp));
   dprint ("\n");

Then there is this change that looks specific to RQuake's custom map mechanism, so skipping:

   if (self.runevar || !total_customs ())


   if (self.runevar || !custom_count ())

This was commented out, but looks like the removal of a feature rather than de-QCCX'ing:

//player_init_impulse_alias ("last",

And this was commented out, but looks like only applies to RQuake.

//custom_maps ();

Skipping changes to bindings.qc

Author:  Baker [ Mon May 28, 2007 6:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

defs.qc - adding frik-file support to Rune Quake (done)

develop.qc - commenting out of ghost_check (this looks like code to avoid the "ghost players" problem, I'm not sure if this should really be commented out, but am doing it anyway for now)

funq.qc - All of this was commented out ...

void (float i) hex16;
void (float i) hex32;
float (float a, float b) AddInt;
float (float a, float b) SubInt;
float (float a) NegInt;
void (float f) fnstring;
void (string dst, string src) strcpy;
void () InternalInit;
void () InitSearchHunk;
void (float h) GetHunkName;
float (float h) PrintHunk;
void () SearchHunk;
entity (entity e) qs_address_e;
entity () qs_address;
string (entity e) net_address_e;
string () net_address;
float (string s) string_length;
float (string s) strlen;
void (float bytes) allocate_hunk;
string (float bytes) allocate_string_size;
string (string s) allocate_string;
string (string s1, string s2, string s3, string s4, string s5, string s6, string s7) strcat7;
string (string s1, string s2, string s3, string s4, string s5, string s6) strcat6;
string (string s1, string s2, string s3, string s4, string s5) strcat5;
string (string s1, string s2, string s3, string s4) strcat4;
string (string s1, string s2, string s3) strcat3;
string (string s1, string s2) strcat;
string (string expr, float offset, float length) substr;
string (string expr, float offset, float length, string replace) substr_replace;
string (string s, float max) flen;
float (string ch) hex_ctof;
float (string ch) dec_ctof;
string (float n) atoc;
float (float n) atof;
float (float n) eval_exponent;
float (string s) stof_any;
float (string s) stof;
entity (float type, float offset) Get_Hunk;
string (entity hunk) Read_Hunk_e;
string (float type, float offset) Read_Hunk;
float (float type, float offset) Read_Hunk_Float;
void (entity hunk, string s) Write_Hunk_e;
void (float type, float offset, string s) Write_Hunk;
void (float type, float offset, float f) Write_Hunk_Float;
string (entity hunk, float bytes) Read_Hunk_Max_e;
string (float type, float offset, float bytes) Read_Hunk_Max;
void (entity hunk, string data, float bytes) Write_Hunk_Max_E;
void (entity hunk, string data, float bytes) Write_Hunk_Max_e;
void (float type, float offset, string data, float bytes) Write_Hunk_Max;
float () server_time;
void () update_server_time;
string (float n) parse_time;
//string () PQ_Version;
void () Log_Client_Disconnect;
void () Client_Disconnect_Log;
void () ghost_check;*/

But in Rune Quake there is some ban file interaction that is in that block too, just FYI:

void () ban_list;
vector (string ip) ip_to_vec;
void (vector ip) ban_remove;
void (vector ip) ban_add;
float (float offset, float value) fput;
float (float offset, float default) fget;

The rest of the func.qc changes looked like they were Rquake only for the custom map code.

Author:  Baker [ Mon May 28, 2007 6:46 pm ]
Post subject: 


Commented out the things that looked ProQuake specific and didn't comment out the things that looked RQuake custom map specific.

Author:  Baker [ Mon May 28, 2007 6:49 pm ]
Post subject: 


Commented out what RocketGuy had done, but it does look like there is some stuff in there that needs addressed.

Author:  Baker [ Mon May 28, 2007 6:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

progs.src - Commented out what RocketGuy did except lp.qc which has to do with maps.

Author:  Baker [ Mon May 28, 2007 6:54 pm ]
Post subject: ...

Author:  Baker [ Mon May 28, 2007 11:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

develop.qc -- commenting out client_ping / client_ping_times ... unclear on what this is for. Maybe to improve ProQuake client parsing of ping times?

Artifact RJS 3.2 doesn't have this function in it.

Author:  Slot Zero [ Wed Oct 17, 2007 7:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

Baker wrote:
develop.qc -- commenting out client_ping / client_ping_times ... unclear on what this is for. Maybe to improve ProQuake client parsing of ping times?

Artifact RJS 3.2 doesn't have this function in it.

These functions allow the pings of players to appear from the server console by typing sping. I got the idea from CRMod.

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